“Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.”—Psalm 3:7
In context, Psalm 3:7 is a victory verse. It expresses a change in the circumstances that God orchestrated in answer to prayer when King David fled from his son Absalom. Absalom yearned to usurp Israel’s throne by force and raised an army of 20,000 or more men to hunt down his father and kill him. Despite overwhelming odds, God proved Himself to be faithful in His promises to David and delivered the victory to the King.
As He did for David, God promises to give us the victory as well, but a different kind of victory—a more important victory. God gave me this kind of victory one night in April of 1976, the result of a near fatal collision. Psalm 3:7 is my life’s verse because God gave me the victory over the enemies of my soul. He could just as easily have taken my life, but instead, He chose to capture my attention in a most unusual and significant way. This story is about how He used Psalm 3:7 to reverse the course of my ephemeral life and begin a relationship that leads to eternal life.
A Stitch In Time Saves eBook is now available on Amazon.