HONEY Out of the Rock author Kyle Sutton has been a representative of International Board of Jewish Missions, Tennessee since 1998. He obtained his Bachelor of Theology degree from Trinity Baptist Bible College in Asheville, NC, and after moving to Australia in 2001 with his family, has since endeavored to continually study the Hebrew Bible, Jewish culture, Near East customs, and Semitic covenant concepts. In HONEY Out of the Rock, he speaks of Messiah’s chief glory in shades and tones that Jewish readers will also find intriguing and appealing.
HONEY Out of the Rock
To gain deeper and sweeter insights from any book one must inquire directly with its author. Since the Bible was written by forty Hebrew authors (with one exception), the seeker of truth must at times be ready to put on the authors’ Semitic spectacles to bring Scripture into sharper focus.
HONEY Out of the Rock presents a fresh collection of short Bible Studies for those who want more out of God’s word. Sutton places a related devotional challenge at the end of each daily study that will motivate the reader to serve the God of Abraham.
Using every book of the Bible he explores a wide range of Messianic topics which seek to harmonize traditional Christian and modern Messianic viewpoints. This book also deals with Old and New Testament parallels, Messianic Christology, Midrashic typologies, covenant imagery, Hebrew names, the importance of tokens, and the ancient pictorial alphabet Moses and others used to pen the Bible.
An inspirational and highly educational resource, HONEY Out of the Rock will make your Bible and your faith come alive as you journey through it in daily discovery.
“He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.”—Deuteronomy 32:13–14, (KJV)
Other Books by Kyle Sutton…
Available on Kindle
- I Am Joseph (2009): Features more than 100 comparisons between the stories of Joseph and Jesus. Captivating!—253 pages
Free Downloads
- A Prophet Like Moses (2003)1: Details 75 similarities between the two mediators—51 pages
- Walking in Covenant (2007)1: Explains all nine steps in the blood covenant ceremony and exclusively chronicles how these steps were performed between God & Israel within the Exodus. Enlightening!—55 pages
- The Need for the Second Birth (2010)1: Examines the cultural differences between a firstborn son and the second born. Judgment vs. Mercy—22 pages
- The Day Yom Kippur Overshadowed Passover (2011)1: Compares high priest’s Day of Atonement duties and how Messiah performed these on Passover. Fascinating!—54 pages
- Messianic Haggadah The Festival of Freedom (2011): A Siddur for Pesach—30 pages
- Salt & Covenant (2012): Why God demanded it as the basis of relationship—36 pages
- Ancient Betrothal Ceremony as seen in the Last Supper (2012)1: Understanding our role in the NT engagement—38 pages
1Available for Free Download at www.friendshipbc.com.au